I had to pull the OEM carbs becase she was behaving like I had an air leak. Under acceleration it was slow slow slow and then when the RPM finally hit 7krpm, she would start to accelerate hard. I had to pull everything out to check for leaks and I did find a few holes in the airbox which I plugged up. I also found a few of the slides on the OEM carbs a tad sticky due to small burrs that I sanded out of the slide shaft/body. Hopefully these few items and better sealing carb insulators will resolve any issues next time the OEM carbs go back on. I had also wanted to try out a modification to the gixxer carbs that I read about which should help me with my rich idle problem. Basically I had to drill out the pilot airjet 1 size larger (based on my harbor freight drill bit set) at the pod side of the carb intake to allow a little more air in. It definitely has affected the carb's state of tune because I'm running too lean now even at 3.5 turns out There is a...
This blog is just a place for me to record some minutae that some other person in a similiar situation may find helpful.