Since the Miata is the 5th car in my family, I've run out of garage remotes and moving a remote from one of the other cars is getting a little annoying (especially when I forget to do it) so I thought it might be a good idea to find a homelink mirror on Ebay with only dimming and homelink functionality. There are some models that have a compass and I believe a backup camera monitor. After doing a little research, it appeared that there are basically 2 popular models, the GNTX 313 and 453. Depending on what car you search for, you might find it cheaper. The 313 is the older model so my advice is to avoid the 313 if you can and look for 453 (also known as OBIHL3). The wiring colors are all dependent on the car the mirror is pulled from. I found my mirror on ebay for $38 with free shipping and it came from an 08 Nissan Maxima. When shopping, you should look for unworn buttons and the plug with wire harness attached. No matter what color wires you get, the pins are the sa...
This blog is just a place for me to record some minutae that some other person in a similiar situation may find helpful.