I've been wanting to upgrade the headlight bulbs on my Miata ever since I got it almost 5 years ago and I figured I should probably do it now before I need to drive home in the dark this winter. I didn't want to be forced to do it when a light burns out because I wanted the luxury of doing it when I had light and warm weather. I picked up a $12 set of LED H7 Bulbs on eBay (free shipping) hoping that LED bulb technology has advanced far enough for them to be useful. I was specifically looking for lights where the chip is very nearly at the same distance as the original halogen bulb so the optics in the headlamp assembly's reflector won't act too weird. This is termed "1:1 design form factor". Passenger side : -remove the windshield washer fluid tank with a 10mm socket. There is 1 bolt and a nut. -press the tiny button on the plug for the bulb and pull it straight back. I was pulling for 10 minutes before I discovered the dumb button and needed to review the c...
This blog is just a place for me to record some minutae that some other person in a similiar situation may find helpful.