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Showing posts from March, 2010

Finding a proper fitting helmet

I hope if you are reading this, you understand the importance of wearing helmets. There are plenty of articles with statistics and studies that prove wearing a helmet is better than not wearing one, but if you are one of those people who don't think it looks cool or believe the misinformation perpetuated by well meaning buddies, please stop reading and find somewhere else to surf. There are alot of styles, colors and designs to choose from when shopping for a helmet but if you can't find a properly fitting helmet, your riding experience will be marred by terrible headaches and/or burning hotspots. If you can't wear your helmet longer than 30 minutes you'll likely choose not to wear the protection inorder to keep riding just to get home. I was cursed with an unusual shaped head all my life and so will my son. Looking at my grade school pictures (and my son's), I can easily make out the egg shape of my head. Wide at the top over my ears and tapering down below my ears...