We humans actually need very little to keep going. Food, a warm place to sleep, clean water and clothes. For just about everything else in our lives, there are marketing departments that exist for the purpose of getting people to move items from the "Want" list to the "Need" list. Many years ago, the United States of America was a manufacturing country. Most everyone who worked played a part in making something. Somewhere along the way, it was determined that for the economy to continue to grow (remember that continued growth is unsustainable ), the workers would have to be convinced to buy the products they helped to manufacture. This same phenomenon is happening in China today because they are getting to the point where they are manufacturing more than they can export. Today, media and entertainment are just vehicles for delivering marketing to the masses. Commercials between songs, product placement in movies all help in generating desire for both low and high do...
This blog is just a place for me to record some minutae that some other person in a similiar situation may find helpful.