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Showing posts from January, 2020

CB750 front end - just taking a look

I was preparing to change out the steering bearings on my cb750 and noticed that the Nighthawk 750 uses the same bearing kit.  Since the Nighthawk Swingarm swap went fairly smoothly with a moderately low effort installation, I figured.... 'what the heck', I'll order the $8 lower triple from eBay (plus $20 shipping) and see how difficult a swap would be. My justification : I figured I could practice removing the lower bearing as well as get a measurement to compare the stem lengths. So not a complete loss even if I don't use it.  However, if they are close enough, I can probably adjust or shim the installation enough to make it a direct swap. My dilemma : removing the old triple to get the measurements is a must and while everything is out, it doesn't make sense to put everything back without actually swapping the bearings.  If I eventually do the swap, I would need another bearing kit and would essentially be throwing out the money spent on the first bearing kit...