There are lots of videos and articles on adjusting clutch cable free play but no matter how much adjusting I tried, my bike was still having trouble shifting. I was out of adjust-ability in my cable until someone mentioned that these older bikes had an additional clutch basket adjustment.
I was having trouble with the bike creeping in gear, finding neutral, and sometimes trouble getting back to first gear (I think). There was some play in the clutch arm that I could not remove during cable adjustment that was giving me all these issues.
The instructions seem to be fairly straightforward, but they didn't seem to help me until I watched a video where the mechanic tightened that screw to remove 99% of free play in the clutch arm and then backed it off a little before tightening the lock nut. I finally managed to get the free play in the cable where I was getting positive shifts with just a little forward creep that I removed by adjusting the cable at the lever as well as increasing the distance 1 click on the adjustable clutch lever.
In 10 years, the bike has never shifted this crisply and I'm liking it a lot. Too bad I'm still getting clutch rattle from the old cushions in the basket.
the term "slight resistance" is misleading |
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